From today to December 31, 2015, love the earth as you love your family and friends. For every 1,000 e-cards sent, O’right will plant 1 tree. Let us treasure the nature together!
StartFrom today to December 31, 2015, love the earth as you love your family and friends. For every 1,000 e-cards sent, O’right will plant 1 tree. Let us treasure the nature together!
Love your family and friends, and love the prospect of a better, wonderful future.
Lastly, choose a Christmas decoration for a warm, one-of-a-kind greeting!
※ Remember to tag your friends or to share the link on his/her Facebook timeline
Add the hashtag #LoveInAction in your Facebook post to invite the whole world to plant trees together!
The blow link is your very own Christmas card
Proper position